How to read the chapter examples:

How to read the chapter examples:

There are 8 posts on the page at a time. You can scroll down to the one that is "chapter one for beginners to the site" and read up from there. All "older" writting is listed as "old stuff." These are writtings that have changed over time or may not even be in the book. I left them on the blog to show how things change in the process. Enjoy, and check us out on facebook. --Jon

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

cleaning a cluttered mind

I finished going through a box full of papers today. Separated out the research, ideas not implemented yet, other writing other than TLAB, maps, artwork, “how to write” stuff and trash. The stack for research was large. Need to separate it out. I have studied so much for this book. From the history of Pre-Roman Britain, Druids, Forests of Ancient Britain, eyewitness accounts of forest fires, swords and weapons, coinage, dealing with socialized psychopaths, child and physical abuse, food, current archeological digs, names, languages, etc. I have maps of Roman-Britain, Celtic-Britain and current Britain on my walls. There are two shelves of books in my office, and even a real roman helmet, spatha sword, and pugio for “inspiration”. Everyday I get “google alerts” with new information. I.e. did you know that Sarah Jessica Parker traces her lineage back to Caradoc? I love seeing pictures of the very landscapes the book mentions posted by people who live there. And, I still think I don’t know enough. Tom is constantly reminding me of things he knows about the history. He will challenge me to look up what something looks like (chariots for instance) to make it right. Someone once said that the research was the fun part and the writing was difficult. That is true to a point. There is that time when you get lost in telling the story and forget the time, as you become the character in the scene. Yeah, that is fun... and you don't have to file it. -- Jon

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"Will this suffice?"


"He sunk deep into the nook of the tree..."