How to read the chapter examples:

How to read the chapter examples:

There are 8 posts on the page at a time. You can scroll down to the one that is "chapter one for beginners to the site" and read up from there. All "older" writting is listed as "old stuff." These are writtings that have changed over time or may not even be in the book. I left them on the blog to show how things change in the process. Enjoy, and check us out on facebook. --Jon

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Get to the Firefight!

The Hawcn critique group were all in agreement that the third chapter has to get to the firefight quicker. (see comments on Facebook fanpage. Click on link below) In trying to write this chapter, we have tried to introduce a character that is equal to strength as Caradoc. “Character is shown in action” not description. We have rewrote this chapter many times looking for the right balance. When I try to remember the incident in my childhood that I am trying to pull from, I don’t remember anyone stopping to banter or give a speech. Everyone went straight to the firefight. The stuff written in this chapter can be used elsewhere in the book when the danger isn’t so imminent, I guess. It is not that I am trying to please a select group of people, but I want to make this right. The feedback I value most is readers. One teen young man said he, “got lost in chapter three” and almost put it down. To me, that says more than anything does. Will pick at it till it bleeds the right words, I guess. On another note, I am having to job hunt. I wish I could just sit around and write, but it isn’t bringing in any cash. It is a struggle for me, as I am afraid I will lose momentum when I get another job. (I lost the last two jobs when I had my back surgery) So any encouragement would help. Is the comment section even working? Anyway,…WRITE ON DUDE. ---Jon

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"Will this suffice?"


"He sunk deep into the nook of the tree..."