How to read the chapter examples:

How to read the chapter examples:

There are 8 posts on the page at a time. You can scroll down to the one that is "chapter one for beginners to the site" and read up from there. All "older" writting is listed as "old stuff." These are writtings that have changed over time or may not even be in the book. I left them on the blog to show how things change in the process. Enjoy, and check us out on facebook. --Jon

Friday, May 21, 2010

reading to write

I started reading David Gemmel's book "Troy" with a view to learn how he creates deep characterization. So far I have seen that he includes desription in the "he said" statements and doesn't break conversation with
"he said" if you know who is talking. He uses a lot of past tense "Had" words which I have tried not to use. He uses the word "Had" 12 times on page 12 alone! He uses inner thoughts as if they were giving history or information or how the person feels about something. He is not afraid to use "ly" words to describe things and states what someone looks like rather than showing it. So far, he breaks the rules I have been trying to employ in my writting. i.e. show dont tell, action rather than decription, dont use "Had" or "began" or such words. His chapters are short. Probably 6 pages would equal less than 2,000 words. I will continue to read, as I also want to chomp down on good story, and will try to decern his methods to see if they can help me. I desire to have strong characters who you hate or love deeply. I want to know them. I have probably a whole yellow notepad on who Adminius is and why he does things, but need to know how to make that information ring true and develop him deeply. The same for Alexenah, Jachin and Boaz. oh, one thing I noticed is that Gemmel said someone "said in a deep voice." I have not thought to put voices to the characters. What if Caradoc had a high pitched lisping voice? I did try to put that in Kenjars speech though. Caradoc needs a deep commanding tone. Does it sound like he is chewing gravel? or that he has worn it out by yelling too much, like professional wrestlers do? would Adminius talk softly and tilt his head to the side like the guy on CSI Miami? (I hate that head tilt thing he does. Remindes me of someone who worked at a telephone counselling service too long!)Well, gotta go. Gonna call Caradoc on the phone and listen to his voice. --Jon

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"Will this suffice?"


"He sunk deep into the nook of the tree..."