How to read the chapter examples:

How to read the chapter examples:

There are 8 posts on the page at a time. You can scroll down to the one that is "chapter one for beginners to the site" and read up from there. All "older" writting is listed as "old stuff." These are writtings that have changed over time or may not even be in the book. I left them on the blog to show how things change in the process. Enjoy, and check us out on facebook. --Jon

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Writing is work. Anyone that says otherwise hasn't written. Current work on just my side of the book includes researching flamable liquids used in sacrifice rituals, taking a class in Latin, reading and taking notes on the book: The Great Invasion by Leonard Cottrell, setting Alexenahs actions in chapter four in proper order to show change from confusion to peace, arranging pacing in chapter three, considering chopping chapters into smaller bites. (chapter three is 23 pages!) Working on final edits of chapters, etc. Waiting to discuss with Tom the chapter three changes he is editing. Will need to do some major changes in chapter four to reflect where Epos is and how to bring the babes back into the picture. May need to start over from scratch on that chapter. Considering still whether to write as one whole book the three books before I submit to a publisher or finish book one and submit that. Looking at the benefits of a print on demand publisher or holding out for the big advance paycheck. In the meantime, when I am at an impass I am trying to submit other stories and writing to magazines and compilations, and taking a stab at doing a teen dectective novel series that would be light and fun. And wondedring why no one leaves any comments on the posts. Noticed the hit ratio on the site is up with recent hits from California, Florida and Germany! Oh, well, back to work....

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"Will this suffice?"


"He sunk deep into the nook of the tree..."